Why, hello there dear visitor. This is my portfolio page I've created a while ago. I welcome you to go and browse around. Who knows what you might find.

art is virtue

works that stand out the most


My magnum opus. Best work I've ever done, and ironically the fastest one. While most of my projects take days, this one took merely few hours. Makes me thinking.

This is work of an old friend of mine. We used to hang out occasionally during our summer vacation time in our summer cottage. She used to draw terribly back then but over time she grew as an artist and now she makes amazing pieces like this. I am really proud of her.



so here i am, passing by slowly, and only reflection remains.

and here is something different


mafa rioch


gardens of Eden

One of my unpublished works, sort of. Originally it was an entry for a contest, but later it became an artwork of the Eden gardens. Never published the complete version.

the dance of crows

This is yet to be most favourite piece of mine. This might be not my best work among them all, but my heart lies deep within this one. Something to do with colour scheme.