Various ways to reach me, in case you decide to. Who knows, we might become best friends or even fuck.

art is curves

Isn't Internet amazing?

reasons to contact me

Well, there are a few I guess. You can talk to me about possible design inquiries or work you want to have done by me. You can just write me to say hi or request some nudes. You can ask me to help you with Photoshop or just to talk with you about Diablo 3 builds. Hell man, I don't fucking know just write me, okay?

But really, I do design work, mostly artwork and photo-manipulations. I don't do logotypes or stuff like that. I can do portfolio websites like this one and I know stuff about building computers and/or being competitive in certain games.



quality is more important than quantity.

mafa rioch



And of course we have this big guy. I don't enjoy the social networking much in a way Facebook provides it, but I do use it. So if you want to contact me there, press the icon above.


Well, I guess everyone has e-mail account in 2018 so nothing to brag about, like we used to back in 3rd grade. Click the icon above and magic will happen.


Another way of reaching me is to DM me on reddit. Don't tell my mother but I browse it on daily basis and probably more than I should. You need to have an account to DM me here.